Find Your Voice. Choose Your Impact. Share Your Story.

Stop – look all around you. Look inside. See yourself growing, changing, evolving. Acknowledge the work you’ve done and continue to do and always remember dedication over motivation. Celebrate yourself with yourself. You are enough. You are more than enough. You are over the top and your story is yours.


What We Do


6 Weeks To Change Your Life

Loud and Proud

We Challenge You To Tell Your Story

Quarantini time!

Facebook Lives each Wednesday, with a twist

In Purpose. On Purpose.

It wasn’t until I leaned into living an authentic life that I was able to journey with myself, for myself. I realized that my story was just that – mine. And it was mind to tell. I realized that if I felt like this, surely there were others that felt the same way. 

Meet Meet Norman J. Liverpool IV​

Norman J. Liverpool IV, an Entrepreneur and Speaker, is a dedicated professional with a passion for spreading awareness for the LGBTQ+ Community and the issues that this community faces. He is also the creator of a signature mentor-ship and coaching program designed for the LGBTQ+ Community, Over the Top Living.


Be Your Own Reason To Smile

Upcoming Events

Norman is available for speaking engagements through​

What are you waiting for?

Start telling your story today. Connect with me now and I’ll show you how.